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See what others had to say!

Greens4Dreams is calm, professional and very helpful. I learned a lot from them.


Lessons are wonderful, particularly for those first time beginners! Strongly recommend!


The lessons are a very enjoyable and engaging experience for any first time golfer.


My family, my husband and I with two kids, took two sessions of Greens4Dreams's golf class, which was great. We were all beginners and not sure about what it would be like to play golf. They could teach the fundamentals in the simplest way and could also quickly find our problems and instruct us to correct them. Learning from Greens4Dreams became a delightful experience during this summer.


My younger son and I took the lessons with Greens4Dreams this summer. It was the first golf lesson for both of us and very pleasant to learn the fundamental skills. They had a good sense to find the issues quickly, and the guidnce was helpful for us to build up our confidence. They were also very patient and professional. It was a lot of fun! Highly recommend to those wanting to take their first lesson.


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